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Home energy storage system maintenance

Check the battery status regularly: The core part of the home energy storage system is the battery pack.

It is important to check the health of the battery regularly.

The check process can include observing whether the battery appearance is corroded or deformed, and checking whether the battery voltage is normal.

  1. Clean the battery pack: Regular cleaning of the battery pack is also an important part of maintenance work.
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Disconnect the battery charger from the power supply.

Then, use a clean rag to gently wipe the battery surface to ensure that there is no dust and dirt.

Pay special attention to the cleaning of the battery terminals, which can be cleaned with alcohol or special detergent to keep the terminals in good contact.

  1. Check wire connections: Home energy storage systems involve a large number of wire connections, and it is critical to ensure that these connections are firm and not loose.
    Check wire connections regularly for shedding, damage, or rust.

If the connection is abnormal, repair or replace it in time.

  1. Regular calibration system: Some devices in the home energy storage system, such as inverters, may need regular calibration to ensure their working effect.

The calibration process should be carried out by professionals to ensure the normal operation of the system.

  1. Pay attention to temperature and humidity: the working environment of the home energy storage system has a great impact on its performance.

Hot and humid environments may accelerate battery aging and device damage.

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