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Energy storage meets the demand for multiple scenarios during the rapid development period!

In the context of the goal of carbon neutrality and carbon peak, clean energy replacement is one of the important ways to achieve carbon emission targets. Entering 2023, with the decline in raw material prices such as silicon carbide and lithium carbonate, the market has more expectations for the growth of the energy storage industry, and energy storage application scenarios continue to emerge.

According to the data of Zhongguancun Energy storage Industry Technology Alliance (CNESA), the new electrochemical energy storage project in 2021 accounted for 41% of the power generation side, 35% of the grid side, and 24% of the user side. Because the power generation side and the grid side are large energy storage, so the whole market accounted for more than 76% of large energy storage, mainly dominated by centralized energy storage, in the future in the context of “state deregulation of electricity price regulation”, there will be more energy storage demand through the price difference to save costs, which means that distributed energy storage (small and medium power) is the future market trend. For example, in 2021, distributed PV exceeded centralized PV for the first time.

Optical storage and charging station

With the rapid development of new energy vehicles and the promotion of green energy transformation, light storage and charging stations – facilities that combine photovoltaic power generation, energy storage technology and electric vehicle charging stations are rapidly emerging.

With the rising number of new energy vehicles, rising charging demand, charging station industry support policies continue to be introduced, government subsidies from supplementary vehicles to piles, from construction subsidies to operation subsidies, to promote the rapid development of light storage station industry.

Industrial and commercial energy storage

Industrial and commercial energy storage is a rapidly developing market area, which has significant business potential and diversified profit models, the core mechanism is “peak cutting and valley filling”.
Peak-filling involves storing electricity during periods of low demand and then releasing it during periods of high demand. This model can effectively balance power supply and demand, reduce the pressure on the grid, and make the power supply more stable. At the same time, since the price of electricity is usually higher in the period of high demand, this model can also reduce the cost of electricity through reasonable scheduling of electricity supply and demand, so as to achieve profit.

The power grid Bureau collected the reduction of industrial electricity prices in 11 provinces on the peak and valley, the increase of industrial peak electricity prices relative to the parity is generally more than 50%, the highest is 71.96% in Jiangsu Province, the industrial trough electricity prices relative to the parity reduction is generally more than 50%, the highest is 62% in Guangdong Province. The largest peak-to-valley price difference is 4.5:1 in Guangdong Province, and the larger the peak-to-valley price difference, the more the energy storage market is needed to reduce the cost of electricity.

Energy storage for home/household

Household energy storage has become an important part of the global new energy strategy. Energy storage systems are often combined with renewable energy devices such as solar photovoltaic panels to provide a clean, reliable supply of electricity to the home.

The market demand for residential energy storage is growing rapidly. On the one hand, with the improvement of environmental awareness, more and more families choose to use renewable energy. The household energy storage system can effectively store and use these energy, so the household energy storage market has great potential. On the other hand, household energy storage systems can improve the stability of power supply, especially in the case of unstable power grids or power outages, which makes its market demand further increase.

Portable energy storage

“One of the most important application scenarios for energy storage is portable energy storage, such as portable energy storage when traveling outside a tent. Now there is also the rise of RV energy storage, and we are optimistic about the portable energy storage market, which is very large in Europe and the United States.” Ming Pu light magnetic Yang Jianming told reporters.

Portable energy storage is a safe, portable, stable and environmentally friendly small energy storage system, which uses lithium-ion batteries with built-in high energy density to provide AC and direct current output power system, equipped with AC, DC, Type-C, USB, PD and other interfaces. Due to its small size and lightweight, portable energy storage devices are also widely used in outdoor activities, such as camping, hiking, etc., further promoting the growth of market demand.

Combined with relevant data research, BGE Bite industry research office is expected that in 2025, the new shipments of global portable energy storage products are expected to reach 35 million units, with a compound growth rate of about 45%, and the market space is very broad. At the same time, China is the world’s largest producer because it has a relatively complete industrial chain and cluster of portable energy storage.

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